Mit ganzheitlichen Methoden der Alternativen Medizin packen wir Ihre Gesundheit an der Ursache an.
With us on site in Ansbach and the surrounding area or via video all over the world.
Eine alternative Heilmethode bei der das körpereigene Regulationssystem angeregt wird. Die Therapie zielt darauf ab, den Energiefluss im Körper zu verbessern, Stress abzubauen und das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu steigern.
Within the framework of bioresonance therapy, we use electromagnetic oscillations to harmonize the body and strengthen the immune system in a gentle and non-invasive way.
In homeopathy, we use natural substances to activate the body's self-healing potential and treat the cause of ailments in a targeted manner.
Within the framework of bioresonance therapy, we use electromagnetic oscillations to harmonize the body and strengthen the immune system in a gentle and non-invasive way.
In homeopathy, we use natural substances to activate the body's self-healing potential and treat the cause of ailments in a targeted manner.
An alternative healing method in which the body's own regulatory system is stimulated. The therapy helps to improve the flow of energy in the body, reduce stress and increase overall well-being.
Our practice specializes in the holistic treatment of various medical problems. We are experts in identifying the causes of ailments and treating them in a natural way. At our practice, we offer individualized and personalized care to ensure that you receive the best possible treatment.
Our philosophy is based on the firm belief that body and soul are inseparable. We consider each patient as a spiritual being living in a human body. Each person has a unique soul that expresses itself through their personality, thoughts and feelings. Our mission as alternative practitioners is to help each patient promote and maintain their physical and spiritual health. In doing so, we enable our patients to find their own inner balance by uncovering and treating the root causes of illness rather than just treating the symptoms.
With three decades of extensive experience in several countries and a holistic approach, we can help many patients to restore their health and quality of life in a sustainable way. We look forward to welcoming you to our practice in Ansbach or online via video.
– Rachel Thomas
Im Gegensatz zu anderen verbreiteten Ansätzen steht bei uns die klare Identifizierung der Ursache an erster Stelle.
Unsere Methode basiert auf dem Zusammenspiel verschiedener integrierter Ansätze. Nur so können wir nachhaltige Harmonie erreichen.
Originally from the United Kingdom, you can rely on 30 years of international experience.